New Year's day CI-Jam


Research Week 02.Jan – 05.Jan 2024

2.1.-5.1.2024  Research Week

My proposal to you!
Beginn with CDP& Jam on New Year’s day to tune in and arrive.
We will come together as a group to bring questions, scores and open unknown idea to take apart and dive into it.
We will be about 20 (that is my wish) experienced CI-Dancers exchange and dive for this amount of time together.
It will only happen if everybody brings an intention and makes it an experience for all of us.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please write to me
if you are feeling called to co-create with me, let me know
02.01. – 05.01.2024
this is a proposal and can be altered
cost : about 100.00-160.00 CHF depends if we include the food
I am excited
Dorothée Däster
Florastr. 42
8610 Uster