Wellcome I invite you to this grand workshop in Switzerland, Uster ca 20min from Zürich. R.I.D.E. on With Andrew Wass https://www.facebook.com/wasswasswass & Caterina Mocciola https://www.facebook.com/caterina.mocciola 23rd Feb – 25th Feb 2024 Workshop Description We will practice a range of dynamic events, un/known pathways. Some klein and fine, others more robust and effortful. These partner pathways will serve as points of departure for improvising in contact. We will investigate the ride-ness and lift-ness of each dynamic event and the improvisatory potential within either facet. Several questions will guide our research. How can we use what we know to create something we don’t know? Can confusion provide fertile ground for understanding and extending the improvisation? How can we balance momentary ambitions with expansive curiosity? Starting with scored solo improvisations, we will transition to technical solo skills. After practicing known pathways, we will layer in the solo skills, improvising our way into, out of, and during the dynamic events. This workshop is intended for people with a good amount of CI experience. Please be comfortable with inversions, falling into your back space, level change, taking and giving full weight. Warning: Muscle exertion and occasional bruising might occur Logistic: * 23. Feb Friday 3:00 pm Registration * 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm Arriving/ Jam * break * 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Class * 24. Feb Sat 10:00 am – 5:30 pm Class * lunch break * 25. Feb Sun 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Class * lunch break Cost: CHF 350.00 – 270.00 any question? dancedot https://dancedot.org/ Dorothée Däster Florastr. 42 8610 Uster