Scott Wells in der Nähe von Zürich : 30. Juni 2023 Zero to Flying mit Scott Wells 1./2. Juli 2023 Contact Journey mit Scott Wells Alle Infos auf : https://www.dancedot.org 30. Juni From 18Uhr-21Uhr, From Zero to Flying Aerial aspects of contact improvisation: flying, catching, landing, fluid acrobatics, deft maneuvers. For the acrobatics everyone will work at their own level and will learn best by building group safety and trust. I aim to connect the work to somatic knowledge. We'll do some of my favorite contact exercises and current curiosities. Created or learned over the decades investigation and indulgence. 1./2. Juli Contact Journey 10Uhr- 17Uhr Level experienced We will expand from the duet into group constellations and dancing. Your contact Journey will be guided but will be your own; intercepting others journey, open to distractions and impulses on the way. playful & focused, deep & light, practical & extravagant Studio Movity, 8610 Uster info: contact@dancedot.org mailto:contact@dancedot.org Ich freue mich auf euch dorothée