CI Workshop mit Angela-Mara Florant und Dino Spiri in Berlin 24. und 25.2.24

Der Frühbucherrabbat endet heute!!! Beyond Backspace 24 & 25 February 2024, Studio 2 Mime Centrum Berlin - with Angela-Mara Florant & Dino Spiri This workshop is an invitation to lean into the unknown, to gently stretch your comfort zone and to possibly discover something new. The unknown in the dance is often that which we cannot see, that which is not in our field of vision. One metaphor for the unknown is the space behind us, the backspace. We will spend a lot of time getting to know the backspace by bringing attention to our backside and by activating the space behind us. Our backs are huge, they hold a lot of power and support, yet almost everything in our daily lives is about rushing towards something ahead of us. Also while moving, we often are literally ahead of ourselves and it is not infrequently that we lose a sense of connectedness, first of all within our own system, but also with others and in the dance. An orientation backwards opens up a different plane: it is necessary to sense more, prediction doesn't work as well, something else has to open so we stay available for the dance. This can feel very grounding, new, exciting and satisfying. Can we find comfort and even a sense of safety by letting our backs lead us into movement and touch? What has changed if we orient ourselves towards the front again, including this support? Revisiting some basic elements of Contact Improvisation technique to create a common ground will be part of this workshop. Once we are tuned in we will play with giving up our sense of orientation as we allow ourselves to get lost in upside-down situations. Letting go of the need to control as we practice to dive under our partner to create surprising possibilities for changing levels and little lifts. Finding comfort in discomfort. Trusting ourselves, trusting our partner/s. Releasing into the backspace! This workshop is for dancers with some previous experience in Contact Improvisation (approximately one year of regular practice). If you are unsure whether this workshop is for you, please check in with us. Registration, information & questions: <> <> <> SIGN UP HERE: Times: Saturday 11.00 - 18.00 (including 1.5h lunch break) Sunday 11.00 - 14.00 Place: Mime Centrum Berlin STUDIO2, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenpl. 2, 10997 Berlin Price: 155 € - 105 € > early bird discount, if payment is received by 15.01.2024 155 € - 130 € > afterwards
participants (1)
Angela-Mara Florant